Therapeutic Movement & Exercise Professional Course

professional development

We are delighted to welcome Ben Cormack to Active Therapy Clinic this September. Ben will be hosting his therapeutic movement and exercise course which is now open for bookings. Space is limited so secure your space soon. Click here to book.


Modern clinical practice requires clinicians to bring together many diverse elements from a wide range of areas. This can often be confusing, overwhelming and leaving many feeling unprepared by previous education. professional development

This course looks to bring together these elements in a cohesive and evidence based framework that gives clinical reasoning skills to reduce the confusion and burden that is often present. This allows both new grad and experienced clinicians to be more confident, relaxed and ultimately more prepared for this challenge! professional development

 We move away from the biomedical model, that has failed many patients, to a more comprehensive Biopsychosocial approach. This course incorporates modern pain science, psychology, communication skills, exercise prescription and movement and motor learning principles to cover all the bases you need for a patient focused & active approach to rehabilitation. There are many interactive problem-solving tasks from group discussions, to small group case studies to practical movement-based task so that you can actually ‘feel’ what your patient will feel.

Be prepared to discuss, move & maybe even have your biases challenged. This is not about a bunch of exercises that you could have just watched on YouTube, its understanding research better, improving communication, up skilling clinical reasoning & trimming away the unnecessary fluff. It goes way beyond just sets, reps & technique that often don’t apply well to treating people with pain anyway

This course has been taught on 5 continents, 30 + countries and 100’s of clinicians & coaches with a whole bunch of discussions, laughs and movement experiences.

What you will get

  • A brand new streamlined pain science approach. Lose the complex neuroscience explanations
  • Psychologically informed communication & interviewing strategies to help people ‘make sense’ of painful problems
  • BPS exercise ‘prescription’ model that moves beyond just the tissue
  • An ability to confidently navigate uncertainty in diagnosis & treatment
  • Appreciate movement variability and dynamic systems theory to forget “good/bad” movement/exercise models
  • Gain comprehensive back pain knowledge that will help you understand, explain, assess & treat back pain from a truly evidence-based position
  • Learn an exercise dosing model that redefines pain & exercise
  • Simple ready to use strategies for common back pain problems

Who is it for?

  • Anyone with a passion to learn & help painful problems
  • Those open to new ideas and concepts and the latest research

Who is it not for?

  • Those expecting simple protocols or quick fixes
  • Unwilling to engage in learning
  • Not looking to update their current knowledge & paradigm


  • 40% Lecture
  • 30% Practical
  • 15% Discussion
  • 15% Case study 

Find out more detail about the course by clicking here.


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